About Us
About the trainer, Georgia Towle
Georgia has been a professional dog trainer for over 34 years, and in that time she has refined her proven methods of positive reinforcement training techniques. She uses no aversives in her training (that includes no force, no coercion, no leash corrections and no harsh punishments). Instead she uses scientific based training methods with optimal results.
She teaches multiple classes in Puppy Kindergarten, Family Dog Obedience, Rally Obedience, Tracking, Competition Obedience, and Dog Agility. She also does one-on-one training and behavioral modification for reactive and aggressive dogs, as well as training for dogs with a myriad other behavioral problems.
Georgia is a CGC (Canine Good Citizen) Evaluator for the AKC (American Kennel Club) and is a therapy dog evaluator for Olympic Mountain Pet Pals in Jefferson county. She is also accredited as a canine behavior consultant and must earn continuing education credits to maintain her designation. She is currently enrolled in The Academy for Dog Trainers in their two year program.
She has shown her dogs to their championships in both conformation and performance events and has received recognition and awards on both the local and national level, including the National Agility Championships and the AKC/Eukanuba National Agility Invitational.
Georgia has been called on as an expert witness on animal behavior for the court system in Washington state. She also has volunteered her services with Pasado’s Safe Haven and went to New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina helping to rescue hundreds of dogs. There she was put in charge of the ‘caution dogs’ (those that were likely to bite or had shown aggression).