Canine Tracking Training
Canine Tracking is a dog sport that is the competitive form of Search and Rescue. It demonstrates the extremely high level of scent capability that dogs possess. In this sport the dog follows a track that is 450-500 yards long with several changes of direction. The track is laid by a human tracklayer and is “aged” anywhere from thirty minutes to two hours. The goal is to use the scented track to locate an article left at the end of the trail by the tracklayer. The owner follows the dog on a long leash. It is something that any dog of any breed or age is capable of doing. It’s a great class for dogs that might be reactive towards other dogs because only one dog at a time is ever on the course and also for dogs that may not be trustworthy off leash because a tracking dog is always in a harness and on a leash.
Cost - $175 for 6 sessions.
Beginning Tracking Class is taught on:
Fridays from 3:30 pm – 5:30 pm.
Intermediate / Advanced Tracking Class is taught on:
Saturdays 2:30 PM – 4:30 PM.
Please call 360-732-0908 for more information or to register. You can also send an email to